Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Layout Project

The Layout Project is due on Thursday, March 13th. You can turn in your work early if you like, but late assignments WILL NOT be accepted. If you are going to be absent on the 13th, you must turn your assignment in early. I will be at a district conference on the 14th and therefore will not be able to accept any late work, as it is the last day before Spring Break.

Here are a couple of samples (these are not necessarily A+ examples, but still…):

The Layout project has three parts. They are:

The Layout:

You must design a yearbook layout/spread on a piece of paper that is bigger than a standard-sixed 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper. You may cut pictures out of magazines, use colored markers, etc. for the layout but it is not required. For information about the layout rules and how to create one, see the green (deisng) section of your textbook.

The Copy:

You must write a piece of copy to go with your layout. The layout and copy must be on the same theme. You do not actually have to put your copy on the layout, just leave a space for it. Your copy must have approx. 250 words (about four or five paragraphs or six short paragraphs) and m,ust be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font, double spaced, with one inch margins. You may type and print your copy while we are in the computer lab, once you have finished any work you need to do for the yearbook, or you can work on it at home. You copy must include a Headline, subhead. and Byline. You will also need to include those three things on your layout.

The Captions:

Stapled to your copy must be three captions you have written for (theoretical) pictures on your layout. These captions must be written following the guidelines set down in the organge (copy) section of your textbook. Note: your layout must include AT LEAST five spaces for pictures/captions, but you only have to actually write and turn in three captions. Your captions, like your copy, must be typed in 12 pt. font, etc.

You can choose your topic, or see me for one. If you choose your own, just make sure you check with me first to make sure it is OK.

I will put up more information about this project later. For some helpful ideas and suggestions, please visit the following sites:

The Herff Jones Design Showcase has some good sample layouts.

This page covers some basic layout design tips similar to what is in our textbook.

You can also Google "yearbook layout rules" or something and see what you get.

Good luck!

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