Friday, May 16, 2014

Portfolio FAQ

To see my previous post about the portfolio requirements, click here or scroll down a few entries.

Q: When is the portfolio due?
A: Tuesday, May 20th at the BEGINNING of 5th period.

Q: What if I am not finished, can I finish in class on the 20th?
A: No. It is due at the beginning of the period. You can, however, work on it in the computer lab in class on Monday. You can also come in to C224 during lunch on Monday or Tuesday if you need help, need to print something, etc.

Q: What goes in the portfolio?
A: Many things. See my previous post here. But basically, you need a core sheet, a piece of original copy written by you, a photograph you took, a caption for that photograph, a poster you made to advertise the book, a T-shirt design, a cover + layout + end sheet (or division page) made by you or by a group you were in, and a layout you designed. Almost all of these things require a cover sheet to explain them.

Q: What kind of cover should I use?
A: Your portfolio should look nice and professional, like something you might bring to a job or college interview. As such, all of the papers must be in the correct order and secured in a folder. There are many types of folders you can use, but make sure it is the kind that will secure the papers in place. A Three-ring binder will work in a pinch, but don't use one that is too thick.

Q: What if I don;t have/can't afford a cover?
A: See me BEFORE TUESDAY and I will help you.

Q: Can I see a sample portfolio?
A: Yes, I have two samples available for you to look at in class. Just ask me.

Q: For the cover/layout/endsheet or layout, can I use the one I or my group already did in class?
A: Yes.

Q: The cover my group designed is hanging on the wall in the classroom, how can I put it in my portfolio?
A: Take a picture of it and print out the picture or draw your own version of it on a piece of paper.

Q: Instead of using the cover my group made, can I make a new one?
A: Yes, but you need to do it yourself - you can't make a new group.

Q: For the copy, can I use fake copy or can I use the copy I already wrote for the yearbook?
A: No. You must write a NEW original piece of copy. It must have real quotes. Think of it as something we would actually be able to use in the yearbook.

Q: Why can't I just use the copy I already wrote for the yearbook?
A: I want to see how you have improved as a writer since then, many of you wrote with a partner and everyone had their work edited by Candice and/or me. I want to read something new that has not already been edited by me.

Q: Can I turn in my project late?
A: Yes - if you are absent on Tuesday and bring in a note excusing your absence.

Q: I only did about half of my portfolio, should I still turn it in?
A: Yes! You can get at least half of the credit - that is much better than getting no credit at all.

Q: Who will see my finished portfolio? How will it be graded? Will I get it back?
A: After all of the portfolios are turned in, we will begin aging exit interviews. You will present your portfolio to a panel of three people (the advisor, the EIC or Co-EIC or Copy Editor, and another editor - usually your editor). You will explain your portfolio to us and we will ask your questions about it. Your portfolio will be scored on neatness, completion, following directions, and creativity. Your interview will also count as part of your score.

Q: How much is the portfolio worth? Is it enough to change my letter grade?
A: It is worth more than 100 points, but less than 200. In most cases, yes, it is enough to change your grade.

What if I have another question that is not on here?
email us at moor

Thursday, May 8, 2014


The copy for your portfolio must follow these guidelines:

It must be typed
Use 12 pt. font
Use Times New Roman font
It must be double-spaced
It must have 1 inch margins on all four sides
It must start with a title (first and last word and any important words in the middle capitalized)
The next line should be the subhead
The title and subhead must be centered
Do not indent the first paragraph
Indent all of the other paragraphs three spaces (do not hit "tab")
It should be around 250 words (that's about 4-6 paragraphs)
Put your name at the end